Department of Civil Engineering
    Department of CE
    To produce civil engineers having technical competence, professional and leadership qualities for the contribution towards socio-economic development at nation and global levels.
    Department of Civil Engineering
    Department of CE
    To produce civil engineers having technical competence, professional and leadership qualities for the contribution towards socio-economic development at nation and global levels.

Welcome to

Department Of Civil Engineering , DUET, Gazipur

Department of Civil Engineering at Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur is one of the broadest departments producing graduate engineers in Civil Engineering committed to ensure excellence in both undergraduate and postgraduate education as well as in public service.  This department aims to produce outstanding Civil Engineering graduates with advanced engineering skill and knowledge for professional practice and state of the art research. This department is dedicated to provide a dynamic learning environment that emphasizes open-ended design, problem solving skills, team work, communication and leadership skills.

The department has a vision to become a leading center of excellence in Civil Engineering education and research in the world as measured by the quality of our faculty, students and scholarly contribution. To meet the challenges of globalization in the new millennium, the department is devoted to uphold professional efficiencies and quality research. This department has also a provision of providing teaching and research assistantship at post graduate level to inspire the future researchers of the country. Members of this department are highly motivated and also playing an important role for the advancement of technology to contribute to the recent trend of globalization coupled with increased urbanization leading to increase demands on the construction of infrastructure as well as safe environment. Thus, Civil Engineering Department has been contributing significantly to the fulfillment of the objectives of DUET (former BIT Dhaka) since its establishment.


Message from the Desk of Head

Dr. Mohammed Alauddin

Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur.

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur.

It gives me immense pleasure to inform you the long-standing fame of Civil Engineering Department. We have crossed hundreds of miles in our field. Here we offer both undergraduate and postgraduate (Ph.D. / M. Sc. / M. Engg.) degrees. To inspire the future researchers of our country, we provide teaching assistantship at postgraduate level.

To meet the challenges of globalization in the new millennium, we will have to increase and uphold the professional efficiencies. Our whole approach should be integrated to global development. To attain that goal high quality teaching and research should be intensified. Recent growth of international trade resulting from globalization coupled with increasing urbanization is leading to increasing demands on construction of necessary infrastructure. Civil Engineers are going to play an important role in accelerating the pace of socio-economic development. The adaptation of modern technology in the field of Civil Engineering to keep pace with the developed world is of utmost importance. Efforts have been initiated by Civil Engineering Department to produce quality Civil Engineers to be accepted internationally. Civil Engineering Department has been trying relentlessly to improve the professional excellence and also playing an important role for advancement of technological development. Thus Civil Engineering Department has been contributing significantly to the fulfillment of the objectives of DUET (former BIT Dhaka) since its establishment. The enrollment of students in our department will surely enhance the quality and standard of future Civil Engineers of our country.

I am confident that this department will create opportunities for the Civil Engineering students as well as professionals to exchange their ideas and experience for technological advancement in the field of Civil Engineering.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the students, teachers, officers and employees of Civil Engineering Department for their relentless efforts to raise the standard of teaching and research of this department.


To produce civil engineers having technical competence, professional and leadership qualities for the contribution towards socio-economic development at nation and global levels.

  • To provide need-base curriculum for producing competent and professional civil engineers.
  • To impart knowledge that leads to better professional skill and leadership quality among the graduates.
  • To encourage students to pursue higher education and participate in competitive exams and various career development courses to excel at national and global levels.
  • To promote research and consultancy on contemporary issues for fulfilling the academic and socio-economic needs.
  • To offer different programs that enable students to become an entrepreneur and expert who can contribute to make the world sustainable.
  • To motivate the students towards developing moral and ethical values.


Google Map


  • Department of CE, Old Academic Building, DUET, Gazipur

  • +88-02-49274008
    PABX : +88-02-49274034-53 Extn: 2011
    IP (Local) : 2124-008 & IP (Direct) : 09612110510

  • +88-02-49274001-02

  • +88 01975480688

  • head_ce at duet.ac.bd

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