Welcome to

Department Of Chemical Engineering , DUET, Gazipur

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Chemical Engineering Department of DUET. Currently we are offering the undergraduate degree under the name “Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering”. We are committed to providing our students with a world-class education that prepares them for successful careers in the chemical industry and beyond. Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics including reaction engineering, separation engineering, unit operations, analytical chemistry, and process control and simulation. In addition to classroom lectures, our students have access to state-of-the-art laboratories which will help them to relate their classroom knowledge with the practical aspects.  

We understand the importance of collaboration with other educational institutes and industries, both locally and globally, and strive to create meaningful partnerships that benefit our students and our research initiatives. Our department also boasts a dedicated testing facility specifically for water parameter measurement, which allows us to contribute to the improvement of water quality and availability in our communities.

Each year, we enroll 20 students in the Chemical Engineering Department's undergraduate program. We are committed to maintaining the high standards of education and research that DUET is known for, and we are confident that our department will continue to make significant contributions to the field of chemical engineering.

Thank you to our students, faculty members, and staff for your dedication to the Chemical Engineering Department at DUET. Together, we will continue to advance our understanding of this exciting field.






Message from the Desk of Head

Dr. Md. Akramul Alam

Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur.

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur.

The department of Chemical and Food Engineering has started its journey under the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at DUET in 2017. Currently it is offering bachelor engineering degree entitled as B.Sc. in Chemical and Food Engineering with a capacity of undertaking 30 students per year. The courses are developed within the modern concepts of Chemical and Food Engineering education with due emphasis on the industrial requirements in the country so that the graduates have played a vital role in the development and improvement of various chemical, food and allied industries both at home and abroad. The versatility in this field of study has allowed the graduates to flourish in almost every sector of the economy.

The academic and research activities in the department focus on the frontier areas of food process engineering such as food processing and preservation, food properties and prediction, post-harvest operations, food quality and safety, transport process and kinetics, product development and ingredients innovation, food packaging and storage engineering, computer aided food engineering, energy efficiency, process control and efficiency, automation and manufacturing systems. Food process engineers can specialize in design, development, research, maintenance and operations such as processing, packaging, storage and transportation. Also, the academic and research activities in the department focus on the frontier areas of academic specialization aimed specifically in pharmaceuticals; process design; pulp and paper, petrochemicals, specialty chemicals, polymers production companies; biotechnological concerns, and environmental health and safety industries.

The department is also well equipped with the sophisticated instruments such as UHPLC, spectroscopy, colorimeter, bomb-calorimeter, Trinocular microscope, real time PCR, BET surface area analyzer, TGA, GC, nanoparticle size analyzer, surface tensiometer, contact angle meter, fluorescence spectrophotometer, etc. in addition to the traditional basic equipment to boost up high quality research activity. On the other hand, computational research activity of the department is also equally strong by the help of several software. So, the strength of the department lies in its diversity and its interdisciplinary nature.


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Google Map


  • Department of Chemical and Food Engineering, New Academic Building, DUET, Gazipur

  • +88-02-49274068
    PABX : +88-02-49274034-53 Extn: 4170
    IP (Local) : 2124-015 & IP (Direct) : 09612110517

  • +88-02-49274001-02

  • +88 01714338180

  • head_cfe at duet.ac.bd

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