Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)

Founded in 1980, the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) being a multi-disciplinary department in Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (erstwhile Dhaka Engineering College) has been striving to fulfill two main objectives; firstly, to sensitize students to broader ethical, economic, linguistic, communicative, social and human issues and values, and secondly, to capitalize available resources for higher education, research and development. Through its dynamic pedagogic focus, the department attempts to encourage personal growth and widens opportunities related to students’ professional growth. Its potential available resources and hard working faculty offer an opportunity for the students to open a window to adapt with the versatile challenges of the present world. Its emphasis on multidisciplinary teaching adds further remedies to its students to become more dynamic in their professional arena.

The department is committed to excellence in holistic education by equipping its students with leadership, professional and communication skills to become global engineer.

Our Vision

To prepare graduates as human capital with professionalism and communication skills to address the upcoming challenges of the world.

Our Mission

  • To offer a conducive learning environment for graduates to promote their critical thinking-abilities with an integration of professionalism and to improve their social engagement towards the community.
  • To develop academic and research collaborations with well-reputed institutions at home and abroad for research and innovation in the areas of business and social sciences.
  • To introduce graduates with learner-autonomy approach so that they become life-long independent learners and can address the upcoming challenges of the real world.
  • To promote the moral and ethical values so that the graduates will be able to serve the community with the highest level of integrity.