1st International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering and Architecture for Sustainable Development (IICASD-2024)
Welcome to the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering and Architecture for Sustainable Development (IICASD-2024), organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh. The conference will be held on 07-09 November 2024, offering both online and on-site participation. This three-day event intends to bring together scholars, researchers, specialists, and students from a global audience and promote intellectual interaction on the latest advances in sustainability. The primary goal of IICASD-2024 is to provide a worldwide forum for researchers and technical experts to communicate and share their fresh concepts, innovative solutions, and problem-solving strategies in different branches of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Additionally, this conference will provide the students with an opportunity to learn about the latest findings on sustainable development that will ultimately boost their academic performance and provide them with practical solutions to real-world difficulties in their field. Potential researchers interested in presenting their scholarly articles in the IICASD-2024 are invited to submit their original unpublished research papers or extended abstracts. The selected research papers will be published in the DUET Journal, and will be publish in Atlantis Press (part of Springer Nature).
Website link: https://iicasd.com/