Institute of Water and Environment
    Institute of WE
    To enhance knowledge and produce competent professionals for tackling national and global water and environmental issues.

Welcome to

Institute Of Water And Environment , DUET, Gazipur

Sustainable water resources and environmental management plays a vital role in socio-economic development and maintaining a diverse ecosystem. Providing adequate safe water and keeping a pollution-free environment are great challenges particularly in developing countries like Bangladesh because of its socio-economic condition, mass population, and climate change effects. In addition, increased anthropogenic activities resulted from urbanization and industrialization are imposing a great threat on water and the environment. Therefore, the Institute of Water and Environment (IWE) was established at Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur in 2016 to explore the appropriate solutions for overcoming these complex challenges by adopting suitable strategies and technologies.

The Institute focuses on research in the water and environmental sectors in order to offer policy options to protect natural resources in Bangladesh and beyond. The IWE is working in producing quality postgraduates and exploring innovative approaches to tackling complex challenges in the water and environmental sectors. The Institute offers postgraduate programs such as PG. Dip., M. Sc Engg., M. Engg., M Sc., Masters and Ph. D in water and environment for the students who completed their Bachelor Degrees from any Engineering and Science disciplines.  Students have opportunities to work with faculty to conduct research in developing policy and implementing solutions to water and environmental issues. The Institute will make a network between students and faculty across all university disciplines and partnership with other institutions and community stakeholders. The Institute is also working in developing and enhancing the capability and profile of the DUET’s researchers and providing consultancy services to different organizations in the field of water and environment.






Message from the Desk of Director

Dr. Md. Akramul Alam

Director, Institute of Water and Environment, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur.

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur.

Welcome to the Institute of Water and Environment (IWE) at Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, a postgraduate institute that dedicates to generate advanced knowledge and meeting the emerging challenges in the water and environmental sectors. The institute aims to resolve the forthcoming critical problems walking along with the different pathways, encouraging our research and academic team, and having discussed with participants from diverse disciplines.

We’re in such a temporal position in our history when meeting resource demands, controlling and reversing environmental degradation are among our most important challenges. The Institute focuses on how the knowledge of the environment gained through research can be employed in engineering, natural sciences, and social sciences to avail in balancing our resource needs and protect the environment. IWE is aspirant to demonstrate its capability of resolving critical issues by fostering links among the multidirectional human thought and action in unprecedented collaborations.

To make all the initiatives fruitful, it is surely needed to explore the way of working together within interdisciplinary teams on engineering, social, economic, legal, and technical aspects of problems. The Institute looks for the engagement of members of the faculty, postgraduate students, and research fellows from various disciplines at DUET along with partners from other universities, industries, non-governmental organizations, and government agencies in our enterprise. IWE conducts academically rigorous works and fosters real-world advice to the sectors where decisions must be made, regulations must be established, and policies must be implemented.
We invite you to explore our Institute and join us to embark on this exciting journey towards a more sustainable and resilient future.


To enhance knowledge and produce competent professionals for tackling national and global water and environmental issues.

  • To offer demand-based and research-oriented postgraduate education for producing professionals in water and environment.
  • To conduct quality and innovative research to generate advanced knowledge and meet the emerging challenges in the sectors.
  • To offer career development courses and training for enhancing professional skills.
  • To collaborate with other organizations and connect community for sharing knowledge.


Google Map


  • Institute of Water and Environment, New Academy Building DUET, Gazipur

  • +88-02-49274063
    PABX : +88-02-49274034-53 Extn: 631
    IP (Local) : 2124-021 & IP (Direct) : 09612110523

  • +88-02-49274001-02

  • +88 01714338180

  • director.iwe at duet.ac.bd

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