Message fromVice-Chancellor

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Vice-Chancellor, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur.

  • Vice-Chancellor, ANEX Building, DUET, Gazipur

  • +88-02-49274000 , PABX : +88-02-49274034-53 Extn: 1000
    IP (Local) : 2124-001 & IP (Direct) : 49274001

  • +88-02-49274001-02

  • +88 01XXXXXXXXX

  • vc at

From the Desk of Vice-Chancellor

Located in a serene and green campus, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur is only about twenty kilometers away from Shahjalal International Airport. DUET is unique in its scope and mission to foster engineering education in Bangladesh as it offers B.Sc. Engineering/B. Arch.  degree only to the eligible diploma engineers from around the country.  The M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs are also open for all eligible candidates who are capable of pursuing scholarly endeavors with a view to engaging in lifelong learning and thereby accelerating the innovation and developments in the field of engineering and technology.One of the leading educational and research institutes in Bangladesh, DUET plays a pivotal role in the respective domestic and global premises. At this juncture of the changes and the innovation going on all around the globe, DUET, Gazipur is always ready to take its lead and contribute to achieve sustainable goals.

Best wishes